Close reading is thoughtful, critical analysis of a text that focuses on significant details or patterns in order to develop a deep, precise understanding of the text's form, craft, meanings, etc. (Beth Burke, A Close Look at Close Reading)
My background is, among other things, in literary study. To me, SCA fighting is an art: a physical artform informed by an intertextual cloud of influences from boxing, martial arts, athletics, but also our interpretations of the Middle Ages as well as imaginations of chivalry and epic fantasy.
In this blog, I want to pick apart my fighting experiences as I would do to a text, to examine details and seek out patterns in order to understand fighting better, so that I - and, hopefully others - may grow in its skill.
I started pursuing SCA fighting as a serious activity late in 2014. I have been a squire to Duke Vitus Polonius since Drachenwald's Spring Crown 2015. I made it to the final of the Coronet of Insulae Draconis in 2019, and following that I was Her Highness's Champion. I have twice held the Armoured Championship of Lough Devnaree (island of Ireland). I won the Insulae Draconis unbelted tournament - Foresters - in 2018 (much to my surprise), and the St Michael's tournament later on. I have served as a Champion to the Queen as well as to the King of Drachenwald. I am a Sergeant of the Knights of St Michael.
I'm Insulae Draconis Principality Marshal.
I am passionate about teaching fighting and encouraging everyone who shows even a little bit of interest, regardless of gender identity or age, to try it out. An important function of this blog will be for me to figure out to be a better teacher and a better example to others.
I swear a lot.